Saturday, May 25, 2013

ROBLOX Dynamic lighting!

It is out! Look at the beautiful projects people have built so far!
The ROBLOX Team has interviewed TheAmazeman and this is what he has to say.

TheAmazeman: find your lighting inspiration

I acquired experience with dynamic lighting when it was available on ROBLOX’s test environment. When it was released to the official site, I put on the second half of the Titanic movie by James Cameron and got to work — coding and testing while watching the movie. I did more with dynamic lighting than create a stationary lit level. I set the light shining from the windows of the ROBLOX Titanic to turn from yellow to blue-green upon going beneath the water surface. Shortly after, the lights completely dissipate. I took advantage of the voxel lighting to light multiple decks of Roblox Titanic with one brick; you can do the same with floors of an office building, for example. Increase and experiment with the range of lights.

He is saying he did a lot of trial and error until he found the right script, make sure it really did work, and now he has the ROBLOX Titanic place up with Dynamic Lighting so do a lot of other places too.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Gear Review: Crescendo, The Soul Stealer

Hi, Pudinrox here with my first post, with a gear review.
Texture: It's a fiery blade that you have to be aware of. Seems to have an eye on the the handle. You can look at it below.
Cost: 50k R$
Description: "Forged with fiery flames and a demon's eye the Crescendo ascends from its ancient sleep with a thundering tone"
You can test it out on Catalog Heaven.